
addictiveness of OTC anti-diarrheal

8.26: web.wealth/Loperamide/addictiveness of OTC anti-diarrheal:
. I get urgent bathroom calls from simply
the recommended amounts of fiber;
and, Loperamide was recommended
to harden the too-soft stools of IBS;
so, I investigated its addictiveness: very;
I found it is also an abusable opiate .


Tribulus Improves Libido In Women

6.18: news.wealth/testosterone/
Tribulus Terrestris Improves Libido In Women:
. Tribulus is known to enhance T in males;
and Tribulus in females is known to promote libido;
therefore, Tribulus may promote T in females ?
. testosterone is currently the only treatment approved
for low libido in menopausal women.