
Magickal Athenaeum

. the true elites, royalty, freemasons, shamans,
they study the true religion, parapsychology,
the wisdom of the ancients, Hermetic Qabalah
-- the occult, ie, what is hidden from the middle class,
is presented as evil or irrationally unscientific;
but this information is merely powerful, like firearms:
the same spirit that seeks to implement gun control
is also banning the entheogens and true religion .
. recently I found several occult libraries .
. looking through occult materials can be troublesome
like the first exposure to medical and psychological texts:
you can develop an obsessive fear of having a certain disease,
or be plagued by intrusive thoughts or schizophrenia .
. remind yourself that voodoo actually works by
your own mind working against your body:
magic can't harm you unless the real you allows it .
. also, even if there isn't a god in the popular sense
it doesn't mean that voice in your head is yours:
there's a shared mind with a mind of its own .
. welcome to finding out about the real you ...