
oracle trance based on Ethylene

 20.10.31: 11.2: news.wealth/entheogen/oracle trance based on Ethylene:

Archaeology Odyssey 2002

Jelle Zeilinga de Boer and John R. Hale 

. gas from a fissure in a Delphic mountainside, 

caused humans to be filled with a prophetic spirit, 

and that was the source of the oracle's power

on Mount Parnassus in the Temple of Apollo. 

. the temple had the famous inscription,  "Know Thyself".

. the oracle would lapse into semi-consciousness, 

responding to questions in a strangely altered voice. 

. apparently due to medical complications from an 

overdose characterized by convulsions and groaning

she died a few days later, according to Plutarch,

a priest of Apollo at the Delphic sanctuary.

. similarly, in the early 1900's, 

anesthesiologist Isabella Herb found that 

Ethylene in low concentrations, 

induced a state of benign "out-of-body" trance

where subjects can answer questions, 

but their speech patterns are altered,

and complete amnesia of the trance follows.

In 16% of ethylene experiments, 

subjects experienced convulsions

accompanied by groaning or shrieking.

. ethylene compared to laughing gas, 

worked twice as fast, and was twice as potent;

but ethylene’s use as an anesthetic 

was discouraged by its combustibility.

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