
How to Grow Psilocybin by Harret & Sasha

2023.2.5: bk.wealth/entheogens/
Harret & Sasha`How to Grow Psilocybin:

a comment on the book:

Bil Harret, Anastasia V. Sasha:

How to Grow Psilocybin Mushrooms at Home for Beginners: 

5 Comprehensive Magic Mushroom Growing Methods 

& All You Need to Know About Psilocybin


5-star/I haven't tested the info but well-written:

I was pleasantly surprised to find that

this book opened a path to producing an entheogen

with minimal legal problems in certain places.

. growing psilocybe cubensis can result in prison time

except in Oregon, and a few cities,


but the spores are illegal in only 3 states:

calif, georgia, and idaho.

shrooms are a 5-HT#2B agonist.

. one good reason that everyone should

avoid chronic use of 5-HT#2B agonists:

Excessive stimulation of 5-HT#2B receptor

causes abnormal growth of heart valves,

with chronic overstimulation leading to 

leaky heart valves,

also known as valvular heart disease.

[PMID 18511249, 28676029]



. loc 1999 of the book states without reference

that people with schizophrenia

"have to be cautious about using

psychedelic substances altogether";

apparently because shroom use can result in a bad trip;

and schizophrenia is similar to having a bad trip.

. for instance,

many people believe they have telepathic powers,

such as knowing when people are staring at them,

and that it helps them read minds and empathize,

or even protect them from being victimized,

but as a schizophrenic I have paranoid telepathy

where the Holy Spirit has telepathy with my neighbors

to gossip about me and frame me as having

thoughts that they wouldn't approve of.

. my first experience with telepathy 

and the presence of the Holy Spirit

happened while tripping on dxm

(cough syrup with dextromethorphan)

combined with theophylline.

. shrooms too might invite the Holy Spirit

or cause the equally life-changing

"Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder"

which likely has more to do with 

what the Spirit is doing to your brain,

than with 

what your brain is doing to your mind.

. one good reason for avoiding shrooms

in people with schizophrenia

is that they are often taking medications

that are meant to reduce hallucinations;

so, the shroom might have no effect

or the combination could result in

unusual bad side effects.

. for instance psilocybin is an agonist of 

the 5HT2 serotonin receptor, 

while Geodon does the opposite 

to that same receptor.

[J T Junig, MD PhD 2009]


--what else are these drugs fighting about?!

finding spores:

. no online sites are recommended 

even as the authors warn there is 

a high probability of getting scammed.

. however the references do mention Sporeworks

as a source of info; and they also sell spores,

and were recommended by the seller of a grow kit.

. there is a chapter, 9, 

on how to collect spores from existing mushrooms;

but you're expected to get your mushrooms from

purchased spores, not the wild.

. googling for "psilocybe cubensis spores"

one of the ads for midwestgrowkits offered advice


about 3 recommended sites to get spores

which included this encouragement:

"Spore Genetics accepts Credit/Debit cards, 

which many sites do not,".




I like to think I know 

which amazon reviews I can trust,

but amazon won't allow spore sellers.

. if you search for amazon's sellercentral subdomain,


a seller explains that amazon deplatforms a product

if the "product Detail Page" has "Malicious Contributions" such as

“... psilocybe cubensis spores, ...”.

. Oregon allows medical psilocybin

if you have a psychiatric disorder that could benefit from it

such as PTSD and depression.

[Oregon Pub Broadcasting 2020]


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