
bony fish reminds me of a dxm trip

 2024.7.7: mom/wealth/dxm/
bony fish reminds me of a dxm trip:

. mom had some fresh fish that had no bones?

. that reminded me of a time around 1981

when I was learning at Lincoln Technical Institute,

a guy who was trouble to me wanted to apologize

and since he knew I was living in a tent

he offered to have me spend the night at his place,

and served me a dinner that included fish.

. he had a tv which was a rare treat for homeless me

and one of my favorite things to do with a tv

is drink dxm cough syrup because it makes it seem as if

whatever you are watching is actually real

and not just a so-what act.


Herbalism by Latoya Meyers 2022

2023.11.2: bk.wealth/entheogens/
Latoya Meyers 2022`Herbalism:

Latoya Meyers 2022`Herbalism for Beginners: 

3 Books in 1 

Bridging Ages of Ancient Insight: 

The Timeless Herbal Legacy of 

Remedies, Brews, and Recipes Through History;





How to Grow Psilocybin by Harret & Sasha

2023.2.5: bk.wealth/entheogens/
Harret & Sasha`How to Grow Psilocybin:

a comment on the book:

Bil Harret, Anastasia V. Sasha:

How to Grow Psilocybin Mushrooms at Home for Beginners: 

5 Comprehensive Magic Mushroom Growing Methods 

& All You Need to Know About Psilocybin


5-star/I haven't tested the info but well-written:


recreational OCT

21.7.12: news.wealth/recreational OCT:

J Am Board Fam Med. Jan-Feb 2008


Abuse of prescription and over-the-counter medications

James E Lessenger, Steven D Feinberg






Lessenger and Feinberg (2008) [above] 

found that dextromethorphan AKA dxm had psychiatric effects

[eg hallucinations or visions; spirit conjuring.]

. Chlorpheniramine AKA chlorphenamine

could result in euphoric psychosis.

side effects: chlorpheniramine 

acidosis, hyperthermia, tachycardia, agitated delirium, 

rhabdomyolysis, seizures, urinary retention, cardiac arrhythmias, respiratory depression

side effects: chlorpheniramine plus dxm:

tachycardia, agitation, hallucinations,

hypertension, syncope, seizure.

side effects: dxm

hyperexcitablitiy, temperature instability, 

hypertension, nystagmus, seizures, ataxia, death

side effects: dimenhydrinate

euphoria, hallucinations, agitated delirium, 

tachycardia, convulsions, urinary retention, cardiac arrhythmias, coma

several OCT medications and some herbal supplements

are known to make it appear during drug testing

that you have used amphetamine or methamphetamine:

Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine,

Bupropion, an atypical antidepressant used for smoking cessation,

Ranitidine, a H2 receptor antagonist used to treat heart burn.



the god molecule 5-MeO-DMT

 21.2.4: news.wealth/entheogen/the god molecule 5-MeO-DMT:

David Kahana 2019


5-MeO-DMT (5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine)

compare: DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine).

[ shows how the molecules differ.]


video about the use of 5-MeO-DMT.


more wealth-related vids from vicetv.com.


difference between 5-MeO-DMT and DMT?


5-MeO-DMT is stronger than DMT,

and has far less of the visuals characteristic of DMT.

Instead, 5-MeO-DMT is mostly known for it's intense

perspective shifts and sensory overload. 

under the influence of 'The void,' 

you're probably confronted with stimuli that are

largely beyond being described.

Whereas DMT is the 'Spirit molecule,' 

5-MeO-DMT is the 'God Molecule.'

Some describe this difference as being 

confronted by the spirit

versus being submerged in the void, 

or even what it would feel like to become

a single-celled organism.

5-MeO-DMT was not a controlled substance in most countries

as recently as 2011. 

It's most well known source is the

Sonoran Desert toad (Bufo alvarius)

desertmuseum`Bill Woodin:


. the Sonoran Desert toad is also known as

sapo grande, and the Colorado River toad.

. the hallucinogen is released from several glands

(primarily the paratoids) in the skin. 

[ parotoid gland seen behind the toad ear. ]


. the toxins are strong enough to kill full grown dogs

that pick up or mouth the toads. 

. sapo grande can be 7 inches (18 cm) or more

-- one of the largest toads native to North America. 

Adults have a green or greenish-gray topside;

and creamy white underside;

Large white turbercles, or warts 

are found at the angle of the jaw, 

but aside from the large parotoid glands 

and a few large lumps on the hind legs, 

this species has relatively smooth skin. 

Range includes the desert surrounding Tucson:

Found from Central Arizona 

to southwestern New Mexico and Sinaloa, Mexico; 

historically entered southeastern California, 

though it has not been seen there since the 1970s.


This toad is common in the Sonoran Desert. 

It occurs in a variety of habitats including 

creosote bush desertscrub, 

grasslands up into oak-pine woodlands, 

and thornscrub and tropical deciduous forest in Mexico.

Life History

Sonoran Desert toads are active from late May to September,

though principally during the summer rainy season. 

They are nocturnal during the hot summer months. 

The male's call is weak, sounding somewhat like a ferryboat whistle. 

Eggs are laid in temporary rainpools and permanent ponds. 

Larvae metamorphose after 6 to 10 weeks. 

This species lives at least 10 years, and perhaps as many as 20 years.


oracle trance based on Ethylene

 20.10.31: 11.2: news.wealth/entheogen/oracle trance based on Ethylene:

Archaeology Odyssey 2002

Jelle Zeilinga de Boer and John R. Hale 

. gas from a fissure in a Delphic mountainside, 

caused humans to be filled with a prophetic spirit, 

and that was the source of the oracle's power

on Mount Parnassus in the Temple of Apollo. 

. the temple had the famous inscription,  "Know Thyself".


Life Extension's Super Miraforte for testosterone

co.iherb/cook/th (Life Extension, Super Miraforte)/5-star/
powerful and possibly liver stressing:
Life Extension, Super Miraforte with Standardized Lignans,
. I'm nearly 60 and have low T (no more morning erections
but I can still ejaculate);
I take nasal DHEA powder and progesterone cream;
I take 1 cap 3 times per day of this product
(the instructions are 2 caps twice per day).
. at first I felt sort of intoxicated
which I believe is a sign of liver stress,
I also got more morning erections;
after several weeks there is no intoxication
and few morning erections
but I still often feel the itch to tense my muscles;
it makes me want to exercise and dance.
. very happy with the life extension company;
nasal progesterone cream also important to me.