
a g-d handjob is hard to find

8: co.fb/relig/bible/circumcision/fertility fueling g-d's plans:
‘Foreskin doesn’t increase pleasure’
New meta-study aims to dispel long-held notion
that having an uncut penis makes for better sex
a foreskin makes it easier to receive handjobs;
indeed the main reason to cut a foreskin
is that g-d promised it would ensure fertility
-- Genesis 17 [cicumcision = father of many]
not to mention:
"And any male who does not undergo circumcision
will be cut off from his people:
my agreement has been broken by him."
-- Genesis 17: 14


erection science

18: news.wealth/erection science:
Pharmacology of Penile Erection 2001
. the only time yohimbine surely helped
is when the reason for failure was from
use of antidepressants such as
serotonin reuptake blockers .
L-Dopa may stimulate erection
in patients with Parkinson's disease
(to normalize their low-dopamine condition).

holding onto #testosterone

10: web.health/hormonics/T/nettle:
. there are several supp's related to testosterone (T);
if DIM keeps T from turning into estrogen,
and progesterone keeps from T turning into DHT,
what does nettle do?
. it can reduce T's enlarging of the prostate
(hyperplasia is when T makes the prostate grow
by increasing the reproduction of replacement cells).
. nettle can't help all prostates,
as some problems are due to autoimmune inflammation,
not DHT-mediated hyperplasia .
here's how nettle works:
. nettle is reducing levels of DHT,
which is a very potent form of the androgen,
and is what causes most of T's prostate enlarging .
. it also reduces the effects of T's
binding inactivator (SHBG)
so that you get more active T;
(whereas green tea is raising the binder).
besides nettle:
. T is elevated by excessive carb' calories,
but also by high levels of fat calories
if the fats aren't poly'oils .
. meat elevates free T more than beans
or even milk&eggs vegetarianism;
but, excessive protein lowers T .
(vegetarianism raises T binder levels)
. results may depend on weightlifting .


9-11 as ritual killing

news.pol/purges/gemini/9-11 as ritual killing:
3.22: summary:
. "gemini purges" refer to systems of gov't
where there are 2 branches, one secret,
such that the real rule is done in secret
which affectively purges democratic rule .
. 9-11 is thought by some to be perpetrated by
a secret branch of USA bent on initiating wwIII;
I've been calling this branch the 911neocons . [3.28:
. installing a gemini structure is a key to wealth;
and wwIII is also vital to wealth preservation,
given the current climate of charity4all
instead of wealth4all (population control).
. this paper is about the use of ritualism
during the 9-11 event that kicked-off wwIII .]


preserving wealth in liberal times #wwIII

3.26: pol/purges/wwIII/preserving wealth in liberal times
. we have quite a history of empire building;
and, an endless parade of rebuilding;
it may seem as if so much has been lost;
but, we only moved our wealth around .
. the secret to preserving wealth
is establishing a gemini political structure:
the masses vote any way they like;
but, their choice is always bought off,
or rendered impotent by our existing systems
with their perfect balance of power .
. here is the cycle wealth preservation:
. freedom for money,
freedom for all, freedom to breed;
breeding into poverty,
poverty demands wealth distribution,
money is printed, prices inflated,
wars are developed, and poverty is eaten .
. the spring of the masses,
turns into the spring of the moneyed .
. Judeo-Christian-Muslims have so much power;
but they don't have the money,
and they can't stop WWIII .

safely increasing testosterone

3.26: wealth/safely increasing testosterone
 . I am 53 years old in 2013,
and don't have much of a build,
so I am wondering how to increase T (testosterone),
at least enough to reduce my risk of heart disease .
. I understand elders need to supplement with DHEA
and that if progesterone is lacking in men
they will tend to get bald and prostatitis .
. I recently changed my recipe to increase T,
and I developed prostatitis;
so, let's see how .