
preserving wealth in liberal times #wwIII

3.26: pol/purges/wwIII/preserving wealth in liberal times
. we have quite a history of empire building;
and, an endless parade of rebuilding;
it may seem as if so much has been lost;
but, we only moved our wealth around .
. the secret to preserving wealth
is establishing a gemini political structure:
the masses vote any way they like;
but, their choice is always bought off,
or rendered impotent by our existing systems
with their perfect balance of power .
. here is the cycle wealth preservation:
. freedom for money,
freedom for all, freedom to breed;
breeding into poverty,
poverty demands wealth distribution,
money is printed, prices inflated,
wars are developed, and poverty is eaten .
. the spring of the masses,
turns into the spring of the moneyed .
. Judeo-Christian-Muslims have so much power;
but they don't have the money,
and they can't stop WWIII .

 we all have to do our part #overpopulation .

leslie marshal is saying (via radio)
taxes on the rich are too low
we all have to do our part, (more)
my response:
. why not limit reproduction to match market signals?
she thinks family values means
communizing education?
what about taxing people who breed responsibly
to pay for the education of big-family religious invaders?
. when you communize childcare,
you subsidize sexual activity and racist ambitions .
why am I being taxed to subsidize reproduction
when it inevitably makes it harder for me to
get a job to pay those taxes?
. why encourage breeding when we are
squeezing us about global warming?

 the big reset #WWIII #WMD #BalancedBudget

1.3: pol/purges/wwIII/
911neocons use ritual to announce USA annihilation #wwIII:

. I'm suspicious that the 911neocons
used the ritual killing of new yorkers on 9/11
as a holy warrior-calling incantation
declaring they had every intention of starting wwIII
in order to both
bring this Islam-vs-Crusader irritation to a head,
and to deal with the debt crisis
caused by an over-reaching democracy in USA ...

Dr.Wood's #9-11 #NDEW theory

and my #meant-all #globalist
psyop#911bluepill #conspiracy theory

11.15 ..12.12: pol/purges/controlled demolition:

design of all world wars discovered #WWIII

2.8: pol/purges/gemini/
The New World Order
- Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy (2:06):

Pike, inspired by Lucifer in 1871,
predicted the trajectory of all 3 world wars:
# wwI:
. uses the british-german divisiveness,
(despite sharing the same royal lineage)
to kick off the war that will permit the
replacing of the czars of russia
with an athiestic communism,
that destroys other governments,
and weakens their religions .
# wwII:
. ensures that anti-zionism
phoenixes into Palestine Zionism;
this war must also sufficiently empower communism
to balance the power of the christians;
# wwIII:
. islam and palestine zionism [state of Israel]
mutually destroy each other;
the christians will allign with with zionists,
who are then suppressed by the communists
thereby fighting to the point of complete
physical, moral, spiritual, and economic exhaustion .
"( we {illuminati, luciferians} shall unleash
the Nihilists and the atheists,
provoking a formidable social cataclysm
which in all its horror
will show clearly to the nations
the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery
and of the most bloody turmoil ...
. the multitude, disillusioned with christianity ..
will receive the true light
through the universal manifestiation of the
pure doctrine of lucifer,
brought finally out in the public view;
... this will follow the destruction of
christianity and atheism,
both conquered and exterminated
at the same time ).

dreamed #WWIII by Easter  

. Western Christianity's Easter is 3.31;
Eastern's is 5.5 .
Iran's WMD's aren't in Iran #WWIII #crusades2000 @geraldcelente

the anti-christ is invincible

#meant-all #WWIII #911neocons #petrodollar #uncircumcised
3.19: relig/anti-christ:
. you'd think wwIII happens to check Iran hubris
or maintain the petrodollar against devaluation by
competition from a gold-backed currency;
but the stakes are nuclear because
the hubris the elites want to erase is overpopulation
from family values like a cancer . . for an idea of "the anti-christ",
we may need to define "the christ" .
. perhaps I confuse jesus with christ?
but maybe the christ (ie, the messiah)
is to be found in just having the right prophet
to clue us intuitively into g-d's law,
(then g-d can write the law in our hearts
just as the new covenant promised)
so then prophet jesus could also be christ jesus .

. the closest to a follower of Christ
would be a certain branch of Islam
that both follows Christ's word -- g-d's word --
and also understands the nature of Jesus:
not Christianity's god,
not Judaism's bad boy, rather
Jesus' treated seriously as being
g-d's greatest prophet .

. you might assume USA is the anti-christ
if you think Islam knows the Christ,
but USA has never attacked
an innocent branch of Islam .
. nevertheless, USA is no saint either:
the 911neocons primary ambition
is not the illuminati dream of
erasing all false branches of god worship
(specifically fingering Israel, Christianity, Islam, Atheism);
rather, the 911neocons are doing another
nero-style 911 demolition:
Halley’s Bible Handbook tells us further of [Nero]:
“The Great Fire in Rome occurred in A.D. 64.
Nero himself burned the city.
Though an inhuman brute, he was a great builder.
It was in order to build a new and grander Rome
that he set fire to the city,
and fiddled in glee at the sight of it.
The people suspected him;
and historians have commonly regarded it as a fact
that he was the perpetrator of the crime.
In order to divert suspicion from himself
he accused the Christians of burning Rome.”
--- when I read this, it reminded me of the illuminati
and I realized how the 911neocons fit into that plan:
how else to have an excuse to nuke the entire planet?
Islam vs Israel and
uncircumcised communists
vs circumcised euroamericans . 
 all so they can do an end-around
all this petty family-values sprawl
and do some serious rebuilding:
ie, we don't need all these people;
what we do need is more wealth per person
and that means more biofuel crops
-- just buldoze all these suburbs!

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