
9-11 as ritual killing

news.pol/purges/gemini/9-11 as ritual killing:
3.22: summary:
. "gemini purges" refer to systems of gov't
where there are 2 branches, one secret,
such that the real rule is done in secret
which affectively purges democratic rule .
. 9-11 is thought by some to be perpetrated by
a secret branch of USA bent on initiating wwIII;
I've been calling this branch the 911neocons . [3.28:
. installing a gemini structure is a key to wealth;
and wwIII is also vital to wealth preservation,
given the current climate of charity4all
instead of wealth4all (population control).
. this paper is about the use of ritualism
during the 9-11 event that kicked-off wwIII .]

2.2: news: "9-11 was a Masonic ritual killing":
[. that thread talks about secret societies,
and how they've infiltrated "democracies";
there is a link defining "ritual killing" ]
2.3: news:
I agree this is far from just a murder.
it was a "ritual alignment event"
something that NASA plans and pulls off all the time...
Here's (enterprisemission.com/tower2)
a former NASA consultant and CBC space news correspondent,
and award winning Scientist Richard C. Hoagland
on the subject and PROOF .
Remember, they do this kind of thing all the time
in "ceremonial" events in the U.S.
and here's the history of it (table_of_coincidence)
- Masonic Rituals - Like clockwork -h
Major historical events were timed to astronomical events,
33 and 19.5 degrees are repeated throughout history.
It goes back to Skull and Bones and the mysteries
... ritual murder... get it right,
not just "murder", but ritual murder...
an act of ceremonial magic.
news: 9-11 was a Masonic ritual killing/Do You Believe in Magick? Part I
As above so below...
watch (this) and you will understand
... the mega ritual was performed
in order to literally see the future .
-- another on youtube said that's a mischaracterization:
what astrology does for people who know the game
is to figure out which player will likely win .
. that's hardly the same as being told about the game
or seeing everything in the future .

2: news: Do You Believe in Magick?:
. 9-11 and tower dates so astrologically significant;
amazing synchronicity and evidence of either supernature
or the use of magick by the 911neocons .
. very interesting illuminati-magick info too .

2.2: news: definition of ritual killing:
( Anthropoetics - The Journal of Generative Anthropology
Volume XI, number 2 (Fall 2005/Winter 2006)
[ an adaptation with much redaction .]
The Ritual Homicide typology
proposes five categories of
ritual homicide based on religious concepts;
# sacrifice, # ritual murder, # millennial murder,
# holy war, # iconoclasm.
Each category posits common forensic findings,
victimology, crime scene indicators,
method of operation, motives of perpetrators,
and the symbolic significance of various ritual homicides.
All categories consist of premeditated crimes
and are not mutually exclusive.

In any type of ritualistic crime
every aspect of the act
has symbolic meaning to the perpetrator,
particularly when the violence is
perpetrated in the cause of a religious ideology.
Ritualizing the violence is what makes it sacred,
hence justifiable .

. one of the more common purposes of ritual,
particularly in warrior traditions,
is initiation.
The male initiation rite of passage
transforms boys into fierce warriors.
Killing an enemy warrior
is a very common method of initiation.
Cutting someone’s head off
or even witnessing the violence without recoiling
requires a certain form of discipline,
and would constitute a method of
pledging allegiance to a fraternal organization.

Another aspect of the ritual
is that when everyone participates,
it creates a bond sealed in blood
that makes the unit that much more united.
. Across cultures, the role of the sacrificer
is an honored and privileged position
and maintains status within the group.
... the sacrificer is an enforcer, a holy warrior .

Through this televised ritual murder,
[ Islamic beheadings but also 9-11 ]
[the killer] firmly established his leadership
and broadcasted a rallying call ... .
. the Crusades [were] a series of wars undertaken by
European Christians between the 11th and 14th century
to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims
who took it by force in the 7th century.

In the ritual homicide typology,
Holy War is described as a sacred (holy) category
of group or group sanctioned ritual conduct.
Holy War is always committed by a true believer,
a religious soldier whose acts of terrorism
are done because of [their] fervent devotion to
beliefs based on orthodox religious conventions.

Holy War targets those with other beliefs,
therefore victimology depends on doctrine.
If multiple victims are involved
there will be similarities of
religion, political belief, race, ... .
[.. in 9-11, they were all non-Israelites**;
every known Israelite* remaining at the towers
was tipped-off hours before the strike .
-- this would be an obvious signature of the ...]
"Crusader-Zionist alliance" (bin Laden's term).
*: [3.28: the link I give is from snopes.com
who conflates Israelis with Jews
and reduces their proof to (these rumors
"scarely merit the dignity of a rebuttal") ].
[3.28: . I don't believe Israel did 9-11,
I claim the 911neocons did it;
and, that likely includes the CIA
or any other service of the USA
that is both secret and militarized .
. the CIA and its military operatives
represent the interests of the USA:
# promote global capitalism
# defend Israel from islam.mil
# suppress anti-globalists (islam.mil),
# suppress anti-capitalists (communism),
# suppress petrodollar economy destabilizers
(selling oil for gold instead of dollars,
or offering gold-backed currencies).
. any of those interests (not just Israeli defense)
could have been the cause of 9-11;
but, when they tipped-off all Israelis,
their ritualistic calling card, at least, was:
"this war is for you, anti-Israel".]
A paramilitary method of operation will be employed
and could include the wearing of uniforms,
--[ 9-11 was seen being hit by military drones ]--
and the highly organized use of military tactics.
--[ the cutter was a military grade nano-thermite
the dustifier was a classified military weapon .]
The calling card / signature of the group
may be left at the scene.
--[ it was an obvious controlled demolition
presented absurdly as 2 jets flattening 3 towers
(demolition was specifically denied
despite it being
a legitimate method of fire suppression)
. subsequent investigations were stifled by USA;
and, USA claimed to have found a terrorist ID card
while the USA's CIA routinely employs terrorists
to fight communists in religious areas .]
The forensics will often reveal
the calling card or signature aspect of the group
and can include bombings, firearms,
and weapons of mass destruction
--[ 9-11 forensics were obstructed ! ]--
The purpose of this type of ritual homicide
is to overthrow the existing religious / political order
to achieve political and religious goals.
[. USA was reluctant to enter a "terrorism war"
and 911neocons had to overcome this reluctance .]

The contemporary existence of
ritual murder and human sacrifice
has been the subject of many scholarly debates:
[ are they psychopaths or are they
conspiracies of rational actors
using violence as an empowerment tool? ].
It is difficult to remain in denial
when there is actual proof of ritual murders:
--[both Islam beheadings and 911]--
these killings are not psychopathic lone wolves,
they are communally sanctioned
and religiously justified.
. beheading, suicide bombing, and ritual mutilation
are the sacred blood rituals of the Holy warriors ... .
This is a highly organized community
that consistently and proudly professes their
ideology, values, and goals
and persistently identifies themselves
as [Holy warriors].
They do not hide the fact that they are
fighting a holy war
and that they have a religious imperative
to kill [all opponents of their Holy war].

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